Tooth decay is a very common dental problem that typically occurs due to infections and poor oral hygiene. Our teeth are prone to infections because there is a soft cavity at the center of every tooth.
This not only causes pain and discomfort but can also ruin one’s smile and appearance.
About 91% of the US population is said to have cavities, with around 65% facing tooth decay. Moreover, about 27% of these people are living with the condition and not getting it treated.
This is usually due to dental anxiety, which is a very common fear. Most people get anxious when they think of visiting a dentist in Puyallup, especially when they have a decayed tooth.
This is because we all know that the only reliable solution to a decayed tooth is either a root canal treatment vs tooth extraction. But what’s the difference between these two procedures and which one is more reliable? Let’s find out:
Tooth Extraction vs Root Canal
When it comes to getting rid of an infected tooth, a tooth extraction might seem like the easiest option. However, they can be very complex. Even so, your cosmetic dentist Puyallup might still recommend a tooth extraction to keep your mouth and the rest of your teeth healthy.
The Tooth Extraction Process
During the tooth extraction process, you’ll undergo anesthesia while the dentist pulls out the infected tooth with a special tool.
The anesthesia numbs the affected area so that you won’t feel any pain during the pulling and prying of the tooth. However, you might feel pain after the anesthesia wears off.
What are the Risks?
There is a high risk of infection with a tooth extraction. Once the tooth has been extracted, you’re left with an empty space in your mouth. This can be a breeding ground for bacteria and cause infections that may spread quickly to other teeth, starting a chain of extractions.
A missing tooth raises complications for the neighboring teeth as well. They don’t receive any physical support and may begin to get weak or shift in the mouth. This can result in overcrowding, overlapping, and misalignment.
This is concerning because one loose tooth can cause other teeth to follow suite, and soon all your teeth might be loose and begin to fall off or get infected.
How Can You Prevent a Tooth Extraction Infection?
The solution is to replace the missing tooth. This can be done by opting for treatment options like a dental implant or a dental bridge.
What About the After Care?
Once the anesthesia wears off, you’ll probably feel some pain and discomfort. You might also be asked to refrain from eating or chewing anything for a day or two, as doing so may cause new infections and bleeding.
What is the Cost of a Tooth Extraction?
It can cost between $50 to $350, depending upon the severity of the case. The procedure is typically completed in one visit, but you might be asked to come in for again after a few days to make sure there are no infections.
Root Canal vs Tooth Extraction
A root canal has a better success rate than a tooth extraction because there are little to no future complications associated with the procedure. Root canals are performed by dentists to clean and restore an infected tooth. There is no need to extract or remove the tooth.
The Root Canal Procedure
Root canals can be a painful procedure. In fact, many find it to be more painful than an extraction, but the use of local anesthesia can reduce the pain.
The procedure starts by first examining the patient’s mouth with X-rays. These help to determine the severity of the infection and the number of teeth infected.
A sheet of rubber or vinyl is then placed on the affected tooth and the adjacent teeth as well. A hole is made in the rubber or vinyl sheet to expose the tooth that is going to be treated. This is done to prevent the infection from reaching other areas.
A hole is then drilled in the affected tooth to reach the enamel where the infected pulp is. Your dentist will remove this pulp and any dead tissues with the help of special instruments. He or she will also clean the area and apply antiseptic and antibacterial solutions to safeguard it.
The walls of the canals and the hole are then treated with root canal fillings (a thermoplastic material).
You’ll most likely be prescribed antibiotics for a day or two to minimize the pain and any post-surgery infection.
What are the Risks?
If not done properly, there might be damage to the enamel during the procedure. Other than this, if any infected material is left behind it might cause an abscess to develop and spread further.
What is the Solution?
The solution is to visit a dentist who knows how to perform a root canal effectively and efficiently. At SK Family Dental, we have experienced dentists who perform root canals without any trouble.
What About the After Care?
You will be asked to avoid eating solid foods for a day or two. Other than that, there might be pain and discomfort that can be controlled with the help of medicine.
Cost Of Root Canal
A root canal can cost between $700 to $2500.
So, Which is Better – A Root Canal or Tooth Extraction?
For most, a root canal is the better option. However, in some cases, a tooth extraction is the only option. They both have their pros and cons, so it will depend on your overall oral history and procedure preference.
If you have a decaying or decayed tooth, then don’t waste any time and call our dental office today. One infected tooth can cause other teeth to get infected. Call (253) 770-0198 today to get an appointment with SK Family Dental to find a solution to your dental problems.
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Thank you; do you have any suggestions for a youngster who receives one? My child is scheduled for a baby root canal at, and as a parent, I am really concerned. Is modern sedation dentistry truly risk-free? I’m looking for some advise from you!